Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Midnight Friendship

You called me at midnight the other day
And told me you can’t sleep
I yelled at you for waking me up
Hung up the phone
Went back to bed
And this time I couldn’t.
So I called you back
To ask what’s bothering you?
You shared
A complicated thought
That we celebrated the whole night
Wide awake.
Linked by a long telephone cable.
2 hours 13 minutes 4 seconds.
I don’t remember any other night
So clear!

Home Alone!

Today, like everyday
You forgot to smile at the mirror
The house waved and waved
You probably didn’t notice!
Buses and cars and people and dogs
The sun was scanning them all
Realization. Oh! I forgot my handkerchief
You missed the drawer’s creaky call
Office work must be served on table
Overeating is your habit
You left the bedroom window open
The room breathes heat
Two arms of an old clock
Move through the day in pain
You gulp a hot sip of water at office
The kitchen refrigerator grumbles. Again!
Projects, files, reports and deadlines
You worry “There’s so much to do”
An empty house, silent and still
Desperately keeps waiting for you.